Look at a redesign of the connecting rod we previously did in this video:
Also take a look at the Autodesk example on Shape Reduction
Monthly Archives: February 2018
SSG 511: Thursday Class 22 January
Today’s class will be done by video. Please check for the video on Parametrization and Design Optimization to be released on Saturday evening. I am behind in the editing process. Practice the video as we shall continue from here in the next class Tuesday, 27 January. The Mathematica files for our uncompleted class last Tuesday will also be available here.
SSG 805 Introduction
[gview file=”http://oafak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SSG805-Intro.pdf”]
Part Simplification & Simulation
We are continuing the simulation discussion by isolating a part of the engine, simplifying it before analysis:
[gview file=”http://oafak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Simulating-a-Part-1.pdf”]
Blade & Fork Connecting Rod Design
The misalignment of the V-8 engine due to putting two connecting rods side-by-side was solved in an old Rolls Royce aircraft engine. Today we will examine an implementation of that design so to compare with the simple side-by-side design.
[gview file=”http://oafak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/BladenFork-v1.pdf”]
Strain Displacement, V8 Moving Parts, Thermal Stresses Simulation
Here is the link to the Mathematica file of Strain-Displacement Relations. Here is the link for the V8 Moving parts.
Slides for Thermal Stresses Simulation
The Data Driven Economy – Nigeria’s Technology Challenges
Delivered to the Resort Group, Feb 9, 2018
[gview file=”http://oafak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/KeynoteLolaFinal02.pdf”]
Technology Acquisition: Analysis of Different Models
[gview file=”http://oafak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Technology-Acquisition.pdf”]