Sir, we just got informed that contrary to the timetable schedule for SSG 805, which is 10th of July; it has been moved forward to 7th of July. We plead that it be left as it is on the exam timetable. Thank you sir.
Pls. Sir, I don’t understand the argument behind the negligence of time (t) in homogeneous deformation, since it maps material vectors into spatial, I was thinking that the time factor would be Paramount in keeping it different from subsequent deformations afterwards. Forgive me, if my question sounds stupid!
Spatial configuration does not have to vary with time. In the case of a simple static deformation, the reference state is the initial configuration, the final state is the spatial.
Pls. Sir, sorry for the disturbance, but the example we solved on slide 76, we found the Eulerian tensor using e=1/2(1-B), instead of B inverse in the bracket. Sorry, am a bit confused!
Some of the Mathematica code in this set of slides can be found in
As an example of a deformed configuration, run the following Mathematica code:
myMap[X1_, X2_] := {X1 + (1/2 ) X2^2 , X2} // Flatten
initialConfig = ParametricPlot[{X1, X2}, {X1, 0, 1}, {X2, 0, 1}];
deformedConfig =
ParametricPlot[myMap[X1, X2], {X1, 0, 1}, {X2, 0, 1} ,
MeshShading -> {{Cyan, Cyan}}];
Show[initialConfig, deformedConfig, PlotRange -> All]
Sir, we just got informed that contrary to the timetable schedule for SSG 805, which is 10th of July; it has been moved forward to 7th of July. We plead that it be left as it is on the exam timetable. Thank you sir.
Pls. Sir, I don’t understand the argument behind the negligence of time (t) in homogeneous deformation, since it maps material vectors into spatial, I was thinking that the time factor would be Paramount in keeping it different from subsequent deformations afterwards. Forgive me, if my question sounds stupid!
Spatial configuration does not have to vary with time. In the case of a simple static deformation, the reference state is the initial configuration, the final state is the spatial.
Pls. Sir, I want to know if the finger tensor that we defined as B`(B inverse)is actually an expression of the inverse of another kind of tensor, or…
Pls. Sir, sorry for the disturbance, but the example we solved on slide 76, we found the Eulerian tensor using e=1/2(1-B), instead of B inverse in the bracket. Sorry, am a bit confused!