Bimbola Oladapo (SJC 1961-1966) Senior Prefect, 1966
Writing a Tribute to someone of Brother Thomas’ status, who I hold in high esteem, has posed a great challenge to me. This is more so as one is forced to recall memories of more than 50 years ago. These were indeed our formative years when our bones were not calcified. Brother Thomas came to our lives as a mentor, teacher, playmate, comic star, and above all like a father who took good care of his numerous children. Indeed, He came, He saw, and He conquered: this latter saying summarizes his sojourn in St Joseph’s College, Ondo.
It’s impossible not to remember the numerous youthful pranks we all indulged in and how he thwarted most of our escapades and pranks. Brother Thomas was also part and parcel of every recreational game and had beaten us in most of the games. We owe our success first to God, but Brother Thomas played a significant part in molding our lives. He is indeed an enigma, who poured all his God-given energy/endowment into all of us at St Joseph’s College, Ondo. He indeed channeled our lives to a successful path.
May God bless you abundantly. Let me end by leaving you with Psalm 37: 37…”Mark the perfect man and observe the Righteous, the end of that man is peace.” This is indeed your profile as a man of God.
Please join me in wishing our indefatigable mentor, Brother Thomas, happy 90th birthday celebrations. Happy birthday Sir and blessings galore!