Oladiran AYODEJI (1965-1969).
What a pleasure to write a few words on Brother Thomas McCrae. A no-nonsense, no-frills, teacher and mentor. Of course, I remember him in shorts, walking around, appearing like a ‘ghost’ when you least expected to see him. I remember his long flashlight. I remember his morning ritual of always coming to wake us up. Sometimes, he poured water on our sleepy heads so we could wake quickly and get ready for mass.
But what remains indelible to me was when he appeared one afternoon at my father’s cocoa depot close to our house. I was working with my siblings on cocoa beans, with our father making sure we put in a diligent effort. My father was totally taken aback to find a white man asking for his son. The impression my dad had was that his son had misbehaved so badly the school principal had come to make a report! Fear turned to joy when I learned Brother Thomas had come to invite me for a picnic trip to IFON after OWO. My father now had a picture of pride that his boy was going to be in the company of this foreign principal for a swimming trip to IFON. We headed to IFON, picking up a few other students who lived close to me. How Brother Thomas knew our different home addresses was to me more than a mystery!
The trip was most enjoyable. We bought some fruits on the way and got to IFON in the Peugeot station wagon that Brother Thomas brought. At IFON, we headed to a small river where Brother Thomas changed to his swimming trunks and enjoyed himself in the small river. All we did was watch in awe beholding our principal swimming like a kid. All of these were alien to my way of enjoyment and relaxation. To Brother Thomas, it appeared we made his day! It was such a great joy to get home, surrounded by many people in my house asking what I did with the OYINBO. I never had the opportunity to thank Brother Thomas for taking me on his picnic. That single outing changed my ‘status’ at home and especially with my parents! Thank you, Brother Thomas.
We celebrate you on this occasion of your 90th birthday. You have been greatly used by God to bless our lives. I pray that grace and peace continue to multiply for you. We love you.