Every member of this class (SSG 516) is entitled to a fully licenced copy of the Mathematica Software Version 10.4 once you are registered in the LG Laboratory. I will empower Mr Adeyeye and Mr Emmanuel Olowosulu to install and license all who show interest during the week. Find out from Emmanuel how much you need to pay to register at the LG Lab. We will be using the software for class work once we complete the work on Tensor Analysis. You will be better off if you can already work with the software before we get there. The ability to use this powerful software is a useful skill in its own right and can mean a lot for your future.
alright sir.
I’m curious, is it that mathematica is a better software than MATLAB for this course or its just a case of preferences.
First, comparative analyses of software packages are often carried out by incompetent people and they make bogus claims. To compare Matlab and Mathematica effectively will require someone that is an expert in both systems. I am user of Matlab and an expert in Mathematica. I am therefore more aware of the capabilities of Mathematica. In the Symbolics processing required the present course, I am not aware that Matlab can do it. Even Maple that Matlab uses for symbolics may not be able to do it as easily. That is the reason we recommend Mathematica. I will be interested to know if someone can make the other systems to do the same things. In spite of this fact, I will still not come to the conclusion that Mathematica is better than Matlab or vice versa. It depends on what you want to do; and what your capabilities are!
Second, we are fully invested in Mathematica. The University of Lagos is a Licensed Mathematica Center. Emmanuel Olowosulu is a certified professional user of Mathematica. You are therefore in safe hands here with that software.
You want any further persuasion to go into Mathematica?
oh no no!!. I’m fully convinced. Mathematica all the way! 🙂
Thank you sir. This would keep me busy till Monday.
The registration for the use of LG Lab as at last semester was. #1,000. I hope it still remains same for those who intends to make payment for it, go to the faculty finance officer to make enquiry.
I hope that a helpful
wow! mathematical. Thank you sir.