Dorothy L. Sayers, October, 1941
PERHAPS the bitterest commentary on the way in which Christian doctrine has been taught in the last few centuries is the fact that to the majority of people the word “immorality” has come to mean one thing and one thing only. The name of an association like yours is generally held to imply that you are concerned to correct only one sin out of those seven which the Church recognizes as capital. By a hideous irony, our shrinking reprobation of that sin has made us too delicate so much as to name it, so that we have come to use for it the words which were made to cover the whole range of human corruption. A man may be greedy and selfish; spiteful, cruel, jealous, and unjust; violent and brutal; grasping, unscrupulous, and a liar; stubborn and arrogant; stupid, morose, and dead to every noble instinct- and still we are ready to say of him that he is not an immoral man. I am reminded of a young man who once said to me with perfect simplicity: “I did not know there were seven deadly sins: please tell me the names of the other six.”
About the sin called Luxuria or Lust, I shall therefore say only three things. First, that it is a sin, and that it ought to be called plainly by its own name, and neither huddled away under a generic term like immorality, nor confused with love.
Secondly, that up till now the Church, in hunting down this sin, has had the active alliance of Caesar, who has been concerned to maintain family solidarity and the orderly devolution of property in the interests of the State. But now that contract and not status is held to be the basis of society, Caesar need no longer rely on the family to maintain social solidarity; and now that so much property is held anonymously by trusts and joint-stock companies, the laws of inheritance lose a great deal of their importance. Consequently, Caesar is now much less interested than he was in the sleeping arrangements of his citizens, and has in this matter cynically denounced his alliance with the Church. This is a warning against putting one’s trust in any child of man-particularly in Caesar. If the Church is to continue her campaign against Lust, she must do so on her own-that is, on sacramental-grounds; and she will have to do it, if not in defiance of Caesar, at least without his assistance.
Thirdly, there are two main reasons for which people fall into the sin of Luxuria. It may be through sheer exuberance of animal spirits: in which case a sharp application of the curb may be all that is needed to bring the body into subjection and remind it of its proper place in the scheme of man’s twofold nature. Or and this commonly happens in periods of disillusionment like our own, when philosophies are bankrupt and life appears without hope-men and women may turn to lust in sheer boredom and discontent, trying to find in it some stimulus which is not pro- vided by the drab discomfort of their mental and physical surroundings. When that is the case, stern rebukes and restrictions are worse than useless. It is as though one were to endeavour to cure anaemia by bleeding; it only reduces further an already impoverished vitality. The mournful and medical aspect of twentieth-century pornography and promiscuity strongly suggests that we have reached one of these periods of spiritual depression, where people go to bed because they have nothing better to do. In other words, the “regrettable moral laxity” of which respectable people complain may have its root cause not in Luxuria at all, but in some other of the sins of society, and may automatically begin to cure itself when that root cause is removed.
The Church, then, officially recognizes six other capital or basic sins-seven altogether. Of these, three may be roughly called the warm-hearted or disreputable sins, and the remaining four the cold-hearted or respectable sins. It is interesting to notice that Christ rebuked the three disreputable sins only in mild or general terms, but uttered the most violent vituperations against the respectable ones. Caesar and the Pharisees, on the other hand, strongly dislike anything warm-hearted or disreputable, and set great store by the cold-hearted and respectable sins, which they are in a conspiracy to call virtues. And we may note that, as a result of this unholy alliance between worldly interest and religious opinion, the common man is rather inclined to canonize the warm-hearted sins for himself, and to thank God openly that he is broad-minded, given to a high standard of living, and instinct with righteous indignation- not prurient, strait-laced or namby-pamby, or even as this Pharisee. It is difficult to blame the common man very much for this natural reaction against the insistent identification of Christian morality with everything that Christ most fervently abhorred.
I admit both the church and its members have a lot to answer for this lopsided situation. Even up to now, the church that preaches against greed is the most greedy institution I’ve ever known! Look, we complain against multiple taxation in the country, or don’t we? What happens in my own church: some time ago it was agreed that the church spent too much time asking for too frequent contributions. So it was agreed that the church would do better if three slots could be devised: on for tithe, another for development, and the third for normal dues. Agreed! So we tried to stick to this principle, but only for a while. Now, in addition, special contributions are demanded for ‘evangelism’, ‘end-of-the-month contribution’, excluding the ‘family thanks-giving’ and the like, to a disgusting extent. If you think this is bad enough, I bet the people who go on the radio and television are no better. These people would want you to come to a specified hill whereby you are threatened with people who might want to tamper with your destiny; so you must send some tangible things to ward off such ‘terrible’ pronouncements! Sometimes, you are required to cling to your radio or put your hand to your chest and repeat some incantations to avert the ‘family curse’! In saying this, they tend to forget the Book of Ezekiel chapters 17 to 20! The other countries that do not have these squeamish tendencies have workable systems, corruption there has been pruned down to the barest minimum. But we strain at the gnats and gulp down the camels. No wonder the woman to be stoned for adultery could not be touched because ALL the accusers had been guilty of similar offense!! But the Lord’s comforting word to the woman is: ‘Go and sin no more.’!
Unfortunately there is no room for editing of the above! Otherwise, ‘These people’ would replace ‘This people’; ‘strain at the gnats’ would replace ‘strsnat’ which came about while trying to correct the unpronounceable word. and when you’re typing, the text gradually gets tucked away. There are one or two more! I do apologize for them all.